Tuesday 4 October 2016

The case system - Padeži

This will be very short and effective post. I have created this for one of my students because it  sometimes seems difficult to follow all the cases when you learn them as a foreigner. So, NO ENDINGS in this post, just a small table that explains for which purpose we use each case. 

NB: These are NOT THE ONLY usages, but are the main ones and the first you learn as a beginner. I hope this will help some of you and make life a bit easier :)

Usage - upotreba
Example or additional comment
the case of subject in a sentence
No prepositions
origin, possession, part of something

purpose, a relation between people or things*

*I am giving something TO someone.
direct object
with verbs such as voleti, želeti, imati, kuvati, jesti, piti…
calling someone’s name
No prepositions
Hey, Heather, can you do me a favour?
the mean of some action or a company
I write with my pen - Pišem olovkom
I am walking with a friend. - Šetam SA prijateljem.
used for talking about where something is located at
ALWAYS with prepositions