Thursday, 24 December 2015

Creative writing contest - Pišemo na srpskom!


It is the time when we reconsider, think, rethink, overthink, decide, want, eagerly want to change something.

I have decided to share something nice with all of you who want to learn Serbian and who want to be creative in Serbian.

Here's the thing. I want to you to share with me any of your creative works written in Serbian - poems, short stories... anything related to literature. The deadline is 14th, January, the date when Orthodox Christians celebrate New Year. 

The jury will consist of Mirjana Samardzic, an English language teacher and me. The first prize will be 60-minute lesson with me and the second prize is 45-minute lesson (conversation, grammar... whatever you want).

So, give your best! I am really looking forward to it! I can't wait to see and read all of your written works. 

All your entries should be sent to and the subject of a message should be Pišemo na srpskom. Please include your short biography and explain why you have decided to learn Serbian.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Vežba slušanja - Listening

I wanted to use one of popular sitcoms from Serbian TV programme in my lessons. One of my students had the opportunity to be the first who will give it a try.

This is one part from "Anđelka i Andrija". Watch and listen to the video and try to complete the blanks. Post a comment with your answers!

Subotnje jutro i obaveze

1. Dopuni tekst rečima koje nedostaju:

Anđelka: E, evo 1)_________! Napravila sam 2)_________ šta treba da radimo sad. Znači, da odemo na 3)_________, da kupimo vino i lampu.

Andrija: Može.

Anđelka: Eto. I da 4)_________ račune, skupimo lišće, stavimo veš na pranje. A popodne onda treba da 5)_________, operemo podove, očistimo podrum - jednom u životu, popravimo lavabo, 6)_________da podmažeš...  mog’o bi stvarno. I vratanca od rerne isto... pošto mi se 7)_________ skroz i da zamenimo sijalicu u spavaćoj sobi.

Andrija: Izvinite, molim Vas, gospođo direktore, da Vas pitam nešto samo. Kol’ka mi je 8)_________, to pod broj jedan, i pošto preko cele nedelje sam 9)_________ razumeš, a ti mi ne uplaćuješ doprinose, znaš? Hoću, makar danas, u subotu,da imam odmor bre!

Anđelka: Aha, aha, u pravu si. U pravu si, ljubavi, izvini molim te. Evo, pišem, znači posle svega 10)_________ - Andra. Eto, jel sad ok? Ajde. Žuri. Ajde!

Friday, 18 December 2015

10 phrases with verbs MAKE and DO

If you are already deep into Serbian language, you have probably been wondering how to use some phrases correctly. Constructions with verbs MAKE and DO make a lot of problems to Serbian language learners due to different verb used, so it is logical to assume that English speakers have the same difficulty.

Let’s go straight to the point!

DO the laundry - literally we would translate it „raditi/činiti veš“. However, the correct usage is PRATI VEŠ. So, the verb to be used is to wash.

Perem veš svake subote. I do the laundry every Saturday.

We also use verb prati when we talk about doing dishes, taking a shower, wash a car:

Ko je danas na redu da pere posuđe? Whos turn is to do the dishes today?
Ko će prvi da se pere? Who is going to take a shower (or a bath) first?
Danas perem auto. I’m washing a car today.

*Note: No matter how strange it may sound, there are still some people in Serbia who don’t have washing machines so they have to do their laundry manualy.

MAKE coffee/tea - „napraviti kafu/čaj“ is something that I hear very often these days, but I guess its due to influence of English language. The best translation is SKUVATI KAFU/ČAJ, which means that we use verb to cook.

Hoćeš li da ti skuvam kafu? Would you like me to make a cup of coffee?
Čim bih mogla da Vas uslužim? - Mogao bih da popijem jednu kafu. How can I help you? - I could drink a cup of coffee?

*Note: In Serbian culture, drinking coffee is very wide spread. It has strong social context. Invinting someone to have a cup of coffee usually means that you want to socialze, hang out, exchange gossips. It is not so rare to see someone fortunetell from the cup of coffee. 

DO the shopping - the right verb to use in this phrase is „ići“ or „obaviti“. The whole phrase would then sound like this: IĆI U KUPOVINU or OBAVITI KUPOVINU.

Oni idu u kupovinu. They are going shopping.
Obavili smo kupovinu. We have done our shopping.

*Note: In Serbia people don’t usually go shopping for a week or month. Maybe in cities, but it is not generally accepted way of shopping. 

MAKE a deal - I also hear translation infulenced by English - „napraviti dogovor“. I would not advise usage of this construction, but DOGOVORITI SE.

Onda smo se dogovorili. Then we have a deal. or Then we have made a deal.
Naša porodica se o svemu dogovara. Our family members always  talk about everything.

*Note: When you make a deal, you shake hands. People used to be more honest and had a lot of respect for giving a word, a promisse. 

DO your best  - I suggest two possible translations here: DATI SVE OD SEBE (includes verb to give) or UČINITI SVE ŠTO SE MOGLO (to do all that could be done). However, I prefer the first translation.

Dao je sve od sebe, ali nije uspeo da položi ispit. He gave his best, bu he didn’t succeeded in passing the exam.
Doktori su učinili sve što se moglo, ali on nije preživeo. Doctors gave their best but he didn’t survive.

*Note: Sometimes it seems that the other phrase is more often used in negative context - when you give your best, but you still fail in succeeding for some reason. There is also one simillar phrase: uraditi najbolje što se može (includes verb to do as in English version). Children often use these phrases when they write their written tasks: Uradio sam kontrolni najbolje što sam mogao. Nadam se da ću dobiti peticu. I’ve done my test the best as I could. I hope I’ll get an A. 

MAKE money - zaraditi novac is the best translation to use and it includes verb earn.  The phrase is ZARADITI NOVAC. 

On zarađuje novac držeći časove.  He makes money by giving lessons.

*Note: Making money is not easy. Although women got their independency a long time ago, it seems that some men still cannot accept the fact that sometimes women earn more money than they do. It is typical that men want to be the ones who bring home the bacon, but they have to and they slowly do accept that this is not always the case. However, don’t expect them to be full of respect for your achievement. :) 

MAKE an appointment - in this case you should use verb „zakazati“, which means to schedule. The most suitable translation would be ZAKAZATI SASTANAK.

Da li bih mogla da zakažem sastanak sa direktorom? Could I make an appointment with the manager?

*Note: It is not appreciated if you are late for any kind of meeting. However, we tolerate 15 minutes and we call it 15 akademskih minuta (15 academic minutes). Being on time shows respect.

DO the ironing - In Serbian language there is simple verb derived from noun „pegla“ (iron), so the translation will be PEGLATI.

Nikada nisam volela da peglam. I have never been keen on doing the ironing.- As you may notice, word „laundry“/veš is not neccessary to use.
Šta radiš danas? - Mislila sam da peglam veš. / Mislila sam da peglam. What are you doing today? - I was about to do the ironing. 

*Note: All the housework is done by housewife. In a few last years doing the laundury reminds us more and more on western culture and their busy life. A woman cannot do everything by herself.
Also note that verb peglati in colloquial speech means to beat someone. Napeglaću te! means that someone is threatning you.

MAKE a speech - Serbian version of this collocation is (O)DRŽATI GOVOR.

Mama i tata su mi držali govor. My mum and dad told me off. - In this sentence, this phrase means that parents reprimened a child/person.
Danas je predsednik držao govor u svečanoj sali. Today the president made a speech in ceremonial hall.

*Note: Not only repremending is considerd by this phrase but also when someone keeps talking and talking. When someone doesn’t stop doing it without realizing that other people want to say something too, we tend to use phrase držati govor. It alludes that what we are listening to is very boring.

DO an exam - In this case, the most suitable version would be POLAGATI ISPIT. However, you may hear our students saying „idem na ispit“, which usually implies doing an exam, but in some cases only to be present and to listen to other fellow students taking their exam.

Studenti danas polažu ispit iz srpskog jezika. Students are doing a Serbian language exame.
Danas idem na ispit. Nadam se da ću ga položiti. I’m taking the exam today. I hope I’ll pass it. (idem, from verb ići - to go)

*Note: Studying in Serbia is one of the important stages in our lives. In many families, even nowadays, children are the first to be enrolled at a university.  

As you may see, there is no connection between English and Serbian verbs in most of the cases, so these should be learnt by heart. I suggest usage of cards or playing cards that you may make on your own. It will help you memorise. Also, make sure to give your own sentences since it will be easier to remeber your own ideas. Check your sentences in discussion section, ask a question using italki platform or just ask your teacher. 

I also hope that notes about every activity helped to understand better the way of life and thinking in my country. I beleive that interesting facts abouth things you learn may affect your memorising process.