Sunday 29 March 2015

Shortly about possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns might be difficult and might put you off from learning Serbian. There are pronouns for every gender and every case, singular and plural.

Don't be discouraged, though. Interesting pictures, videos and a lot of examples might be helpful.
Here is my short video on one part of possessive pronouns:

As it is possible to find all the forms all over the Internet, I decided to post only some, but as part of pictures, dialogs and sentences.

We can also use sentences as examples. Blue colour is for masculine, red for feminine and green for neuter:

Ovo je moj pas. – Moji psi su opasni. 

Moja mačka jede grašak. – Ove moje mačke su jako umiljate.

Moje dete voli životinje. – Moja deca se ne plaše životinja.
Ovo je poklon od moje žene. – Ovo su pokloni od mojih drugarica.
Nema mog psa! – Evo mojih pasa!

Dolazim iz mog sela. – Ne mogu da jedem na miru od mojih kučića. 
Pogledaj samo moj kompjuter. Kao nov je! – Moje kompjutere ne diraj!  
Ja volim mojeg(mog) brata. 
Moju ćerku svi vole. – Moja žena čuva moje ćerke.
Uvek posećujem moje selo. – Na slici vidim moja polja.
Da li pričate o mom ocu? - Na mojim stolovima stoje knjige.

O mom detetu ne odlučuješ ti!– O mojim imanjima se priča .
Ne piši po mojoj svesci! – U mojim sveskama sve piše.

Now, try on your own!Using the details listed below write an email explaining why you couldn't come to work that day.

prvo sudar na putu, gužva u saobraćaju, onda se autobus pokvario, čekali sat vremena sledeći autobus, vratili se kući

Any possible answers might be left in the comments below or you can send me an email (, Teacher Ljiljana).


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